Damn! Couldn't the Like/Dislike buttons be a little farther apart?
Sorry OTWO.
[edit] and now my dislike just disappeared. Whatever.
october 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
Damn! Couldn't the Like/Dislike buttons be a little farther apart?
Sorry OTWO.
[edit] and now my dislike just disappeared. Whatever.
i showed up for saturday morning field service and i was partnered with an elder who had transferred to our congregation in the dallas, texas area from michigan.
i told him about a recent embarrassing moment where i had played a "worldly" song during the sunday meeting due to someone replacing the cassette i had placed in the cassette player late friday night that had the correct "kingdom melody.".
out of the blue he said "about 4 years ago i was giving the sunday talk and i kept sporting a boner from time to time which was bizarre since being horny and teaching about jehovah is typically not something one associates with one another.".
i asked if the new britain branch construction had stopped, and i was told that "the governing body instructed us to cease all work on the project.".
"earthquakes" in one place after another!.
Good work SEARCHER!
I get the feeling that you managed to slip thru the society's information firewall and got a straight answer.
They won't let that happen again!
i just got the new document about blood fractions from the wt, they will allow you to choose hemoglobin, but apparently not packed red blood cells, but in the medical journal i see nothing about hemoglobin infusions, is this even possible or just more bullshit from the wt?
A generation is two overlapping generations. . .. . .
Asking for money is not soliciting funds. . . .
Kingdom Halls aren't churches. . . . ..
A Hemoglobin infusion isn't a blood transfusion . . .
Makes sense.
i am a dyed in the wool carnivore.
i suffer from cheese addiction.
lobsters are mercilessly boiled alive.. but after watching this new documentary called cowspiracy on netflix, all that may change.
If you do it right, a vegan diet is pretty damn healthy. . . . I did it myself for health reasons -- not environmental/animal rights -- but then again there are some pretty good arguments for doing it on those grounds alone.
I say give it a try.
a couple of excerpts from an interview with john lee hooker, american blues legend, a few years before he died in 2001. i found this to be somewhat humorous.. have you been married more than once?.
four times.
i aint never gonna get married again.
Bizarre. . . .
Lucky enough to see him in the early '90s though.
saturday, september 19th, 2015: .
earlier today snugglebunny posted a pic of today's "daily text" which is based on a paragraph from the november 15th, 2013 article.
that magazine contains the now infamous maxim: .
Just reflecting on the title. . .
US zone/branch visit, Saturday Nov 8, 2014. . . .. aaaaand I was done.
Have not been back since.
please, who can provide an intelligent rebuttal to the following illustration?
i always thought it was bullet-proof:.
"if your doctor directs you to 'abstain from alcohol' would you be ok to have it injected into your veins rather than drink it?
Even as a kid with a basic understanding of how the body works, I knew this illustration was bogus.
Hearing it now make me want to reach for a drink.
this isn't about anything sordid (or morbid, or reported that knorr did).. it's just that i found an odd-sounding statement in the archived interview that appeared at about 31m20s in the december 2014 monthly tv.jw.org broadcast (or at 4m35s in the stand-alone larson interview also on tv.jw.org).
it seems to reveal an attitude that you'd think would be obsolete about the power of the anointed.
in the attached image, as captioned by tv-jw-org, he said: "every overseer was anointed .
When I watched the video it was hard to believe that anyone would call JFR, "Pappy." But Knorr called him "Pappy." I remember at Bethel, you sometimes heard Knorr referred to as "Pappy Knorr." I can't see how anyone would give either of them such a nickname based on their natural personalities. Seems like a nickname they wanted to be called.
Interestingly, some Catholics call the Pope "papa," eg "Papa Francis." So much for no hierarchy.
I get the feeling that Rutherford would be more aptly named "asshole" than "pappy."
science can explain how of things, but it cannot explain why of certain things (for example, why did life arise from non-life and evolved from simpler creatures to more complex life forms only to die and disappear?
) so are the conflicted religions whose chief concern is in safeguarding each ones separate identity..
next option is to look for pearls among the stonesusing power of our own reason.
Oops! I accidentally hit the like button on the OP!